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When we prepare for Conscious Living + Dying we're making our
death kinder to ourselves and our loved ones, 
It is one of life's biggest acts of love.



Our Time Together

is a thought-provoking, explorative

process that honours your beliefs, fears and desires.

I hold a non-judgemental and allowing space being protective of what you need. 

This intuitive process increases quality life moments and assures focus (specific to

your needs, beliefs, and desires) on what's most important.

Conscious Vision Plan

Being prepared for our last days allows us to have autonomy over our own death and in

turn will save you and your loved ones time, added stress, unnecessary heartache and money

It creates ease and flow, allowing family and friends to be present and feel more at peace

knowing that you are being taken care of in the manner you have chosen


My clients are both those who are healthy, wanting to live a more precious life by

planning for the end of it and those nearing the end of their life


Through a thought provoking and explorative process we will create an autonomous

vision of what a conscious life and death mean to you

Having the conversations and planning when you are healthy is encouraged so the end-of-life

care you receive is appropriate and aligned with your vision and wishes

Help with Cooking

In 5 weeks we will explore a thought-provoking,

creative process that honours your

beliefs, fears and desires.

  • Five 1 - 1.5 hrs/week

  • Reflective questions emailed weekly

  • Unlimited email support

  • Guided meditation (optional)

1:1 Conscious Living|Dying Vision Plan
Conscious Living|Dying
Vision Plan Group

15% off


Jan. 22, 2024

Wed, Feb. 21
@ 6:00 mst


In 6 weeks we will explore and discover how end of life planning

can teach us to live a fuller, more conscious life.

  • Six 1.5 + optional 15 min. Q+A | week

  • Reflective questions emailed weekly

  • Unlimited email support

  • 1 - 30 min call (optional)

  • Guided meditations

When our loved ones know what we want and how we want to

be celebrated, we give them what they need to

better advocate and support us.

Pampas Grass_edited.jpg
This is for you if want to ...
  • build a healthier relationship around death and feel less fearful and powerless

  • plan for end-of-life but not sure ​where to start

  • prepare emotionally, practically and/or spiritually beyond advance directives

  • living a fuller life by becoming clear on what is most precious to you

  • learn about end-of-life education, planning and vigil 

  • be more comfortable with ​important conversations around ​death

  • be a better caretaker to loved ones who are navigating death + grief


Erin / Poet + Author

Berri-Lynn and Homeward CLDC provided a soft space for my grief and uncertainty to land. The exercises provided clarity and reflection, not just about death and dying, but also about the different stages of grief we experience in our lives that go beyond our typical ideas of such.


Berri's facilitation allowed each member of our Conscious living Group to explore our thoughts, preconceptions, and worries about death and dying without judgement and to look towards the end with humour, reverence, and peace. I believe that creating spaces to discuss death openly, as well as normalizing death and dying, is vital to creating a better world and more peace within our own lives.


I look forward to working with Berri again in the future as I create my death plan, and recommend her to anyone with a desire to give their loved ones the gift of a well-planned death. Her approach is suitable for people of many different backgrounds and belief systems, and is especially valuable for those who haven't yet thought about their death plans. 

Conscious Dying
Guide & Companion

I help you and your family in this overwhelming and challenging transition by supporting and guiding you emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually (non-medically) before, during and after death

Help with Cooking

Some ways of how I can help:

  • create and navigate a plan for before, during & after of death (beyond advance directives)

  • explaining what the dying process entails

  • comfort care 

  • guiding and companioning caretakers, loved ones and you

  • light house hold tasks (groceries, sweeping, 

  • customize comforting practices/rituals 

  • vigil planning and care

  • create and hold sacred space

  • life/values review and legacy

  • grief care

Having the conversations and a plan when you are healthy is encouraged so the end-of-life care you receive is appropriate and aligned with your vision and wishes

Taking Notes
Grief Care
Guide & Companion

 It's ok to not be ok - Megan Devine

Grief is not the same for everyone, we haven't learned to grieve.

I will walk with you, listen and we will navigate this unpredictable journey as you you rest, endure and find your

way in this world with your loss and/or without your loved on.

Help with Cooking
Conscious Dying Educator
Talks & Worshops

Talk/Workshop to the general public, employee wellness,

host in your home and non profits



How Does Death Teach us to live a more precious life &

How to meet it in a conscious way.

Discovery Call


20 minutes

Let's connect and see where

you are and what path may be best

for you.  If it's not with me

I may offer a referral

Help with Cooking

Some ways of how I can help:

  • create and navigate a plan for before, during & after of death (beyond advance directives)

  • explaining what the dying process entails

  • comfort care 

  • guiding and companioning caretakers, loved ones and you

  • light house hold tasks (groceries, sweeping, 

  • customize comforting practices/rituals 

  • vigil planning and care

  • create and hold sacred space

  • life/values review and legacy

  • grief care

Having the conversations and a plan when you are healthy is encouraged so the end-of-life care you receive is appropriate and aligned with your vision and wishes

Taking Notes
Grief Care
Guide & Companion

 It's ok to not be ok - Megan Devine

Grief is not the same for everyone, we haven't learned to grieve.

I will walk with you, listen and we will navigate this unpredictable journey as you you rest, endure and find your

way in this world with your loss and/or without your loved on.

Help with Cooking
Conscious Dying Educator
Talks & Worshops

Talk/Workshop to the general public, employee wellness,

host in your home and non profits



How Does Death Teach us to live a more precious life &

How to meet it in a conscious way.

Discovery Call


20 minutes

Let's connect and see where

you are and what path may be best

for you.  If it's not with me

I may offer a referral

Homeward's Manifesto

Guide and support

in creating an autonomous vision of what a

conscious life and death mean to you. Creating a space for you and your loved ones allowing for what is.


Restore death

back to its natural place of reverence; a sacred rite of passage to ancestorship. 

To be a part of the curious conversations 

unearthing how our death denying culture has hindered our ideas and feelings toward such a sacred moment in ones life. Le's build more meaningful relationships with life and death.


Explore and discover

how planning and talking about death can awaken us to a more precious in your life. 

"It should be a sacred day for you when one of your people die, a sacred

day when a soul is released and returns to its home."  - Black Elk

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